Life Support: Advancing the Global Agenda for Financing & Action on Road Safety

3rd April 2024
In order to accelerate progress in addressing road traffic injury, financing is critical. Governments and city authorities need catalytic support to make further progress. This is an introduction to the FIA Foundation’s advocacy agenda on how increased and improved financing is needed for scaled-up impact on road traffic injury around the world.
Life Support: Advancing the Global Agenda for Financing & Action on Road Safety

A Fare Price

11th March 2024
An investigation into the health costs of motorcycle taxi crashes in Kenya. This study sets out to understand helmet usage, and the scale and impact of motorcycle related deaths and injuries, to highlight the urgent need for immediate action to strengthen the enforcement of the Kenyan motorcycle helmet standard to help reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries linked to low helmet prevalence.
A Fare Price

Gender Imbalance in the Transport Sector

24th May 2023
This report from the World Bank’s Sustainable Urban Mobility for All (SUM4All) gender working group was the results of pioneering research undertaken by POLIS & Heather Allen and funded by FIA Foundation, which examined existing data and conducted in-depth interviews and polling to build a comprehensive global snapshot of lived experiences of women working in the transport sector.
Gender Imbalance in the Transport Sector

Mobility Matters

24th April 2023
Adolescent girls’ journeys to access sexual health services in four countries across Africa are often expensive, dangerous, and inaccessible. This report from Girl Effect identifies the key changes needed to improve equitable access.
Mobility Matters

Breaking Barriers: Promoting cycling among women in Nairobi

10th March 2023
At a time when an increased uptake of sustainable mobility is vital for climate, health and air quality reasons, this report examines why women in Nairobi, Kenya are less keen than men to cycle. Based on a study by the NGO Flone Initiative, and drawing on front-line evidence from women in the city, it also outlines key measures to reverse this trend.
Breaking Barriers: Promoting cycling among women in Nairobi

The Wheels of Change: Safe and Sustainable Motorcycles in Sub-Saharan Africa

16th November 2022
This report aims to provide an overview of the key issues surrounding motorcycles in Africa to give context and facts – and to provide recommendations – to help all involved to make informed decisions that will maximise the benefits that motorcycles offer and to reduce the risks.
The Wheels of Change: Safe and Sustainable Motorcycles in Sub-Saharan Africa

Gender Equality and the Role of Women in Decarbonising Transport

12th September 2022
Why is adopting a gender-based analysis necessary when considering decarbonising transport policies? How can we strengthen awareness of the gender, transport and climate change policy nexus? What role do governments play? This report examines the linkages between gender equality, transport and climate change to help develop policies that can achieve both gender equality and decarbonising transport goals by 2050. It provides guiding principles with specific actions to help countries and companies align their gender equality and decarbonising transport goals.
Gender Equality and the Role of Women in Decarbonising Transport