A Luta Continua – In Mozambique, making school journeys safe
Child pedestrians are among the highest-risk groups in Mozambique for road traffic injuries, the leading cause of death for children over the age of five in the country.
Child pedestrians are among the highest-risk groups in Mozambique for road traffic injuries, the leading cause of death for children over the age of five in the country.
The FIA Foundation has been at the heart of many discussions and debates at COP26 in Glasgow raising the importance of the changes needed in the road transport sector as it rises in prominence on the global climate action agenda.
Urgent improvements in vehicle policies globally are needed to meet 2050 zero emission targets, warns new report ‘Securing global fleet transformation: GFEI's ZERO Pathway’, launched at COP26 in Glasgow by the Global Fuel Economy Initiative, supported by the FIA Foundation.
The Safe System approach to road safety could lead to dramatic reductions in vehicle-related deaths and injuries if implemented in the U.S., according to a report from a consortium of experts convened by researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Institute of Transportation Engineers, supported by the FIA Foundation.
A new €15 million Advocacy Hub for safe streets has been launched by the FIA Foundation to support the policy change needed to limit speeds to 30 km/h (20 mph) on streets where children walk, live and play, at the start of UN Global Road Safety Week.
As the international community embarks on a critical decade for sustainable development and the Climate, the FIA Foundation has finalised its plans to contribute to the global effort to meet the Sustainable Development Goals.
Over the past two years the FIA Foundation’s Board of Trustees has undertaken an in-depth review of our work and our future strategy. As we enter the UN Decade of Action for the Sustainable Development Goals, and a second Decade of Action for Road Safety, what do we as a Foundation want to help to achieve by 2030? There are six, inter-related, goals that we want to influence.