Step Change

12th September 2016
The report highlights the disproportionate exposure to risk of child pedestrians in sub-Saharan Africa and calls for a concerted effort to provide footpaths and reduce vehicle traffic speeds.
Step Change

Rights of Way

26th July 2016
This advocacy research, a joint report by the FIA Foundation and UNICEF, examines the impact of road traffic injury on families living in poverty in low- and middle-income countries.
Rights of Way

Factsheet: Air Quality

9th May 2016
The FIA Foundation factsheets are intended to give a brief overview of the key issues in specific areas of sustainable mobility. This factsheet covers Air Quality.
Factsheet: Air Quality

Reducing Pollution Emissions

20th October 2015
FIA Foundation is interested in supporting work on key areas with the most potential to significantly reduce emissions in the transport sector, and commissioned Clean Air Asia to identify the most relevant issues.
Reducing Pollution Emissions