FIA Foundation partners win prestigious Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards

Six FIA Foundation partners have received the Prince Michael International Award for Road Safety in recognition of their significant efforts and progress towards reducing road traffic fatalities.
The Premier Award, which goes to the most outstanding winner, was presented to Amend for the Safe Schools Africa (SSA) programme supported by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the FIA Foundation (see main image above). SSA’s approach is to embed Amend’s School Area Road Safety Assessments and Improvements (SARSAI) methodology into major government and development bank-financed road projects thereby scaling up life-saving interventions in sub-Saharan Africa. An impact evaluation by the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Tanzania found that SARSAI interventions resulted in a 26% reduction in child road injuries and a reduction in the severity of occurring injuries.
The Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety received the Prince Michael Award for the NGO Alliance Accountability Toolkit, a project supported by the FIA Foundation, which aims to equip road safety NGOs with the tools and knowledge to hold their governments accountable for reducing road traffic fatalities and injuries.
The Automobile Club of Moldova (ACM) received the Prince Michael Award for its advocacy campaign that gained the support of the national government resulting in the National Road Traffic Regulations being amended to mandate 30km/h speed limits where vulnerable road users mix with motorised traffic including all school zones in Moldova. The project was supported by the Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport (EASST) and the FIA Foundation.

AIP Foundation was awarded the Prince Michael Award for its AI&Me programme in Vietnam which empowers and engages youth to identify road risks, supporting the government with Big Data to focus road safety infrastructure improvements on where they are needed most. It uses the International Road Assessment Programme’s (iRAP) Youth Engagement App (YEA) and Star Ratings for Schools (SR4S) to calculate risks and inform action. The programme is supported by Fondation Botnar, the FIA Foundation, Anditi, and iRAP.
Youth for Road Safety (YOURS) was awarded the Prince Michael Award for the YOURS Academy, an online course that has reached more than 2000 youth equipping them with road safety knowledge to support their advocacy and action addressing road safety issues.
The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP), which receives core funding from the FIA Foundation, also won an award for the Shaanxi Mountain Road Sasfety Project.
FIA Foundation Executive Director, Saul Billingsley said “This is a fantastic commendation of the work of so many of our road safety partners working around the world in such a variety of modes, like embedding road safety into infrastructure projects, equipping youth with advocacy skills, and advancing policy change. I am especially pleased that Safe Schools Africa has been recognised with the Prince’s Premier Award, for results to date and its outstanding potential.”
The Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards, supported by the FIA Foundation, brings together the private sector, governments, and civil society organisations, and recognises significant efforts and progress made towards reducing road traffic injuries and fatalities.
Main photo credit: Josh Marlow